
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Speech about the Olympic I was EXCITING.???

We have been learning to write and present our speeches. We had to persuade the audience to think our way. The Olympics was our theme.
The criteria we had to use to write and present our speech included, an introduction, delivery, content and our conclusion.

1. I am learning  to do some powerful writing and doing  a specific  writing as well.
2. I am learning to do a introduction in the beginning.

I think my introduction was kind of good but it wasn't in order and some of it didn't make any sense.

I think I should of checked my work before I had read it out and I should of read it to see if it  made sense and that it was in order.

I think that my voice was good but my speech didn't have enough information.

I think I have to change my sentences and add more information to make it great for the audience that want to read it.  I think that they will like it now because I changed some of the things that I did wrong in my speech.
In conclusion  think my voice was kind of great but I needed to speak a bit louder  and add more information.


Unknown said...

Evelyn, it is very good that you have established what you need to improve on. For example, you now know that you need more information and you felt like you should have spoken louder. Those are very achievable improvements for your speech.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn,it's good that you have leart stuff about things:)

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