
Wednesday 3 December 2014

My reflection

Hi my name is Evelyn and my teacher for 2014 is Mrs Barry. She has taught me how to create a piece of writing that turns into an explanation. Since I was at Glen Innes school I have made it into athletics and also made it into the netball interschools. In fact I was representing our school by playing netball on Tuesday and competing against other schools which was a tournaments.
My experience for the past few years is that I will miss this school and that it challenges me to work harder to get to the stage I need to be at for my age. The things that I enjoy at Glen Innes school is that it was the first time that I have been in a film before and also enjoyed spending time here.

This year has been the best thing in my life but the thing I enjoy the most this year is how some year 6,7,and 8 went to sport camp and had their time meeting other people while they were there I went to room 11 most of the time.

The other thing I like was the Manaiakalani Films. The most one I laughed at was Room 12 because we stole the USB and we changed our results for our math test on e-asttle.   

In conclusion I am moving to college and I really had a great time at Glen Innes School and I hope I can come and visit.

Friday 24 October 2014

Brainie maths game

This game is all about adding numbers together.
This game is really easy because I already know my addition. The only thing that I got wrong was the negative numbers. I kept playing and playing until I got it right. Now the negative numbers are easy.

Friday 17 October 2014

Adding using tidy numbers with problems.

This week WALT: Solve addition problems by first adding a tidy number and then subtracting a small number to compensate.

This maths worksheet that I have to use has a different strategies like using a tidy number.
For example: 35+27=65-3=62
We are using bridges to add to get to the closest tidy number to 30.
In this worksheet I have learnt that some strategies can be easy to work out the answer on the maths worksheet. 

Friday 26 September 2014


I would  like to say thank you to milika. I appreciate you for writing a letter to me that says thank you. I also liked that you used the word thank you. I hope you liked the muffin that room 11 and behalf of room 12 had made.

The letter was By: Milika

Area of my name

The area of my name is 188 squares.

Friday 5 September 2014

Matching game

To play this game you would need to match the Millimetres, metre and centimetres. It was easy because I just needed to click on 1000 millimetres and 1 metre to get the  answer.  

Play the game by clicking this link

Friday 29 August 2014


In this game I am learning to find the state digit 
of the hundred place column and the number that
I would choose will be number 1 because it in 
the hundred column and that is the correct answer.

Friday 22 August 2014

Lowest common multiple

WALT: Find the Lowest common multiple (LCM) of 2 numbers.

This is the work that I have done in maths class today. It was hard but I tried my best to work it out nowI have the hang of it. It's easy now because I just needed to use my multiplication. LCM stands for the lowest common multiple. The lowest common multiple for 2 and 5 is 10

Friday 15 August 2014

Working on time

In this game you would need to find the correct answer. If you get it wrong you will be behind your player but you will still have time to get in front of your player because your player might get it wrong.

Friday 8 August 2014

Fraction of a set

WALT: Find a fractions of a set

In this game I am learning to find the fraction of a set.  If it shows 3/3 you need to match it with the correct answer and look for the one that is shaded in 3.

Tuesday 1 July 2014





Population: 65.7 million


Education :You start at secondary school and go
to high school and the our star at age 6 to 16 all the way


Incomes:29,322 USD Year 23,938

Soccer Uniform.jpg

Math game

Spending Splurge.png

I played this game with Anau. This game is called Spending Splurge. In this game I started with $1,750 and I went on a 9-day holiday to Australia. First I had to buy the things that I needed. I ended up with $934 . I learnt in this game is how to spend money on things we need and things we want before going on a holiday.

Wednesday 9 April 2014


I like the taste of raspberry ice
Slurpy slushies too are nice

Boiled eggs give a squishy munch
But I prefer a crunchy lunch

Crispy crackly crinkly chips
The kind that gives you salty lips

Jammy doughnuts that go ”squelch”
And fizzy fluids that make you Belch

I like Sizzling sausage rolls
And creamy licks from mixing Bowls

Juicy Jubes  are good to chew
While tangy Sherberts thingle

Friday 4 April 2014

My favourite inspirational people

My mum inspires me because although she doesn't play sport she always cares for me and supports me when I play sports and is always there for me. When I need a friend to talk to, when I have a problem or when I need a shoulder to cry on. When I go to my  mum's house I sometimes have to get up and make my bed because my mum hates it when I don’t clean up the house  but she wants it to be nice and  tidy so she doesn't have to clean up again.

My teacher inspires me as she is a wonderful down to earth person, she is kind in her own ways. I have learnt a lot of things in her class and she always there when I need someone to talk to and when I need help and I feel comfortable around her. She very good and tells me to keep trying hard to achieve my goals and never give up and don’t stop at all.

My baby cousin inspires me because every time I hold her she is always happy and she smiles a lot. Every time she comes over she always has someone to play and that she  always has fun at  home and that she has heaps of kids and parents around her. Every day she wakes up and she looks around and when someone wakes up and grabs her she is always wide awake waiting for Nana to get up from asleep but when we lay next to her and pick her up she is very happy. The other thing about my baby cousin is that when she gets up she makes me want to get out of bed because she wants someone to stay up with her and wait for Nana to get up and dress her and make her bottle. What I do is I play with her and I make her laugh a lot but when they are all waking up they all want to stop her crying when she wakes up.

My Nana inspires me because every time she needs me I’m always there to help her do what she needs me to do and when she’s sick I try to tell her to sit down and let me do it because you are sick. At home I try to tell her to leave  everything to me but she still doesn't  listen that's why she inspires me for a reason. Another thing about my Nana is that when she is sick she never stops doing anything. But she still get’s up because she hates to stay in bed and sleep all day. When she gets up from a sleep and she sees a mess she will get up and get the broom and all I see is that someone is sweeping the house and I say go and lay down because you ain't going to get any better.


Last Friday Mrs Barry and her daughter and her grandchild  were driving to Auckland City. There was gigantic dragon and it stood in front of the car. They were all scared to see the huge dragon.

When the enormous dragon stood in front of the car everyone was frightened. The dragon went flying up into the sky and everyone rushed out of the car to look at the dragon. It blew fire and it burnt the cars because he didn't like them looking.

After he burnt the cars the people started to run. Some people weren't scared because they had seen a dragon before.

Some people were injured because the dragon hurt them by swinging his tail around. The people thought it would be easier running with no shoes but it was extremely painful running on the road because the dragon had put big cracks in it with his sharp and strong claws.

It was a very dangerous day for people because there was a dragon in the middle of the road and their burnt cars were everywhere. “Who’s DRAGON is that?”, everyone asked. I replied,  “it belongs to me so leave it alone. Don’t go near it because it will blow fire out of it’s mouth, it will get aggressive, it won't be happy at all and then you will be get your eyes burnt.”